brochure du produit vario ISOTOPE select
Brochure sur l'analyse EA-IRMS avec vario ISOTOPE select
Contenu du document
Enter the world of EA-IRMS analysis
High data quality Low cost of ownership Extreme durability Ease of use
Key Features
- Outstanding robustness – low maintenance
- 10 year warranty on furnace and thermal conductivity detector cell
- Low total cost of ownership and highest data quality
- Reliable results even for submilligram samples
- Fractionation-free, patented TPD gas separation for high precision and accuracy
- Integrated 120 position autosampler as standard
- Patented ball valve for blank-free sample transfer
The workhorse in isotope ratio analysis
The vario ISOTOPE select is the entry-level EA dedicated to stable isotope analysis, combining reliable results with outstanding robustness. It utilizes Elementar's proprietary Advanced Purge and Trap technology with a single Temperature Programmed Desorption (TPD) column. Thus, full baseline resolution during simultaneous CNS isotope ratio analysis is always guaranteed. In combination with one of our high performance IRMS systems, you will always get the best out of your analyses.
Functional principle of the vario ISOTOPE select
- Sample Carousel
- Blank-Free Ball Valve
Components: TCD N2 CO SO2
- Furnace
- Combustion Tube
- Reduction Tube
- TPD Trap Column
COMBUSTION *Temperature Programmed Desorption
Reliable results
The vario ISOTOPE select guarantees outstanding precision and accuracy through quantitative combustion via controlled oxygen jet-injection directly into the active zone. This leads to matrix-independent results even for samples which are difficult to combust. In combination with the state-of-the-art thermal conductivity detector, the instrument provides an elemental detection limit.
All elemental analyzers from Elementar are designed for minimal sample preparation and secure, unattended 24/7 operation. They use the safe, simple and environmentally friendly high-temperature combustion.