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High Pressure Gas Sorption Analyzer
iSorb HP2
iSorb HP1 / HP2
High pressure gas sorption has become an important
characterization measurement for the study of sorbent
materials primarily in the fields of carbon dioxide and
methane sequestration, and of hydrogen storage,
whether by physisorption mechanisms or hydride
formation. It is also a commonly employed method
in the study of microporous materials for gas separa-
tion. Volumetric measurements offer a robust, fully
automated means of recording full adsorption and
desorption isotherms over a wide range of pressures
and temperatures. These instruments are sometimes
referred to as Sieverts apparatus.
The iSorb series is a family of four such analyzers; one
and two-sample models each available with an upper
pressure limit of 100bar or 200bar. Each analyzer
is equipped with a built in vacuum pump system,
either a rotary oil-pump or a turbo pump-based system
according to the end user"tas preference, and sample
degassing capability.
The single-station model, the iSorb-HP, uses two
pressure transducers in the dosing manifold and two
more in the sample station for improved measure -
ment accuracy over the entire pressure range from as
low as 0.0005 bar. The two-station model, the iSorb-
HP2, employs no less than six transducers"x2rwo in
each of the sample stations and a further two in the
dosing manifold. This arrangement not only ensures
the wide pressure range capability but also allows
simultaneous measurement capability on two
The stainless steel construction of both internal gas
lines and sample cell assures safe operation, and the
PC software constantly shows the pressures within
the system together with any appropriate warnings.
Safe manipulation of the sample cell, for example
after the analysis, is guided by on-screen prompts.
Samples can be prepared by degassing in-situ, there-
by minimizing transfer of sample cells.
This degassing is done automatically by the instrument
following a protocol programmed in the software.
Adjustable degassing parameters include ramp rate,
hold temperature, time under vacuum, final temperature
and backfill state (vacuum or backfilled).
For an extended supply of high pressure adsorptive
(analysis gas) at up to 200bar, a heated booster option
is available. Cylinder gas pressure is multiplied by the
booster to provide adsorptive at pressures above those
possible from a cylinder alone and can continue to
provide high pressure gas even when the cylinder
pressure drops as gas is being used. The heating of
the booster and connection lines allows gasses that
may condense at high pressure at room temperature
for example; CO
2 to be supplied and used well
above standard maximum cylinder pressure (57 bar
at 21A0pVC).
See Accessories.
Sample temperature can be controlled in a variety
of ways to suit the analysts"ta needs. The recirculator
option provides a working range of -20A0pVC to 100A0pVC.
Above 100A0pVC, the heating mantle provides tempera-
tures of up to 500A0pVC. A liquid nitrogen system is
available complete with sample dewar, level control
and reservoir dewar. A CryoCooler system can also
be connected for sub-ambient cooling down to -198A0pVC
and does not require liquefied cryogenic gases. The
measurement manifold is thermostatically controlled
from 35?C to 50?C and controlled to within 0.02A0pVC;
this allows the measurement of complete CO
2 isotherms up to the maximum instrument pressure
(since the critical temperature of CO
2, (i.e. above
which it will not liquefy, is 31A0pVC).
High Pressure Gas Sorption Analyzer
Fine Vacuum Calibration
200 bar
200 bar 1 bar 200 bar
1 bar
1 bar
Sample 1 Sample 2
Thermostatically Controlled
Coarse Vacuum Adsorbate
Manifold Thermostatically Controlled
iSorb HP1/HP2
High Pressure Gas Sorption AnalyzerBENEFITS
High-Pressure Analysis:
Analysis pressures up to 200bar.
Efficient Use of Gas Source:
Optional booster compresses adsorptive gas for
analysis, allowing pressures up to 200bar from tank
pressures as low as 55bar.
Accurate Pressure Measurement:
High-precision pressure transducers measure pressure
to within 0.05% of full scale. High-pressure and low-
pressure transducers allow pressure measurement in
the optimum range of the transducers.
High Sensitivity:
Separate pressure transducers on the sample cell allow
the cell to be isolated from the dosing volume for equil-
ibration, thus reducing the void volume and increasing
Wide Range of Analysis Temperatures:
Choice of temperature control technologies offer a
wide range of analysis temperatures, from below 75K
up to 773K.
Efficient Outgassing:
Optional turbo-molecular pump allows outgassing
pressures as low as 10 9 mbar for removing adsorbed
gas from microporous samples, even those with
tortuous pore networks.
A wide range of sample sizes and shapes can be accom-
modated by choosing from three different cell sizes.
Precise Adsorptive Dosing:
Multi-point calibration of the dosing manifold and
precise control of the manifold temperature allow
accurate dosing of the adsorptive, even at high
Maximum Safety:
Numerous interlocks and safety features are built into
the software and the instrument to ensure the safety of
the operator, even when working at 200bar.
Leak Tight Manifold and Sample Cells:
Use of metal seals throughout, along with low-leak
pneumatic valves ensure low leak rates and therefore
accurate measurements of surface excess.
Flexible Software Interface:
Powerful Windows based software provides a flexi-
ble interface for setting up experiments, controlling
instrument functions, and displaying data. A full
complement of classical and modern models for data
reduction and display is included.
Easy Setup:
The system is supplied complete and ready for
operation. Vacuum pump(s), temperature control,
tubing, sample cells, etc. are all included.
iSorb HP1/HP2
High Pressure Gas Sorption Analyzer
Analysis stations 12
Gas inputs 2 (optional 4)2 (optional 4)
Max pressure data 200 bar
a 200 bar a
Min pressure data0.0005 bar0.0005 bar
LP transducers 2 (1 bar)3 (1 bar)
HP transducers 23
Total transducer count 46
Transducer accuracy <5'?F0.05% f.s.<5'?F0.05% f.s.
Vacuum pump internalinternal
Turbo pump option yesyes
Degas type automaticautomatic
Degas ports in-situin-situ
Max degas temp ( A0pVC) 500500
Thermostatted bath (option) yesyes
Cryo option yesyes
Booster option yesyes
Thermostatted manifold yesyes
Gas inputs/vents location Side, for easy accessSide, for easy access
Height 100 cm (39.25 in)100 cm (39.25 in)
Width 85 cm (33.5 in)85 cm (33.5 in)
Depth 50.5 cm (19.5 in)50.5 cm (19.5 in)
Weight 150 kg (330 lbs)150 kg (330 lbs)
a or 100 bar for lower pressure model.
1 or 2 Sample station(s)
Thermostatted manifold
4 (single-station) or 6 (two-station)
measurement transducer(s)
Connections for Recirculator Bath option
Helium & valve air inputs and vents
Analysis gas inputs
Internal vacuum pump Connections for Cryo accessories
iSorb HP2
iSorb HP1/HP2
High Pressure Gas Sorption AnalyzerAPPLICATIONS
Gas Storage
The use of activated carbons for carbon dioxide capture
and methane storage is an active area of current
investigations. These activated carbons, whether
derived from biomass or from other sources are
characterized by their micropore volume and micro-
pore size distribution at low temperatures and
pressures, however, to best correlate these micropore
characteristics to storage capacity, high pressure
adsorption studies at near ambient temperatures
are needed to more closely simulate the conditions
under which the storage will occur. The iSorb HP
is capable of determining the adsorbed amount and
storage capacity of gasses up to 200bar at room
temperature, giving the development teams accurate
indication of the effectiveness of candidate materials.
Separation and Purification of Gasses
Separation of gas mixtures for applications such as
carbon dioxide capture in flue-gas streams or pur"T@%-
cation of methane gas is frequently accomplished by
selective adsorption of one gas over another on a
tailored adsorbent surface. In developing and optimiz-
ing these adsorbents it is important to quantitatively
characterize the relative adsorptivity of the gases in
the mixture. This can easily be accomplished with the
iSorb HP through precise determination of the heats
of adsorption of the component gasses at high
pressures over the range of temperatures of interest.
Material Characterization
Novel compounds and various forms of activated
carbons are being synthesized in labs all over the world.
These materials must be characterized to determine
their suitability for the target applications. Traditionally
this involves the measurement of the pore size distribu-
tion, and BET surface area among other techniques.
Pore size analysis for microporous materials is typically
done with nitrogen or argon at cryogenic tempera-
tures; however, these techniques are sometimes
kinetically limited due to the tortuosity of the pore
networks and the size of the pores. Carbon dioxide at
0°C is frequently used in determining the micropore
size distribution of carbons, however, determining the
mesoporosity of these materials with CO
2 requires
pressures well above atmospheric pressure. The
iSorb HP is well suited to measure CO
2 isotherms at
0°C up to the saturation pressure, allowing micropore
and mesopore information to be determined.
Kinetic and Thermodynamic Studies
The use of hydrides to increase the storage capacity of
hydrogen is being investigated. Hydrides offer a signifi-
cant increase in capacity over adsorbents exhibiting
only physisorption of the hydrogen. The disadvan-
tage of hydrides is that the rate at which they are
formed and decomposed can lengthen the time to
fill the reservoir or retrieve the gas for use. Measuring
the rates of formation and decomposition can help
understand which hydrides are viable and which are
not. Using the large expansion volume of the Solid-
Gas Process Kinetics (SGPK) option allows the deter-
mination of the rates of formation and decomposition
at near-isobaric conditions.
Carbon Fiber
iSorb HP1/HP2
High Pressure Gas Sorption AnalyzerSOFTWARE
The associated software allows the user to define a
measurement in terms of target pressure points or dose
amount for both adsorption and desorption, complete
with custom equilibrium criteria, sample temperature
(according to the heating/cooling device selected) and
choice of equation of state(EOS):
CPQ6` Schmidt-Wenzel type, defined in terms of
Helmholtz free Energy (NIST recommended)
CPQ6` MBWR (Modified Benedict-Webb-Rubin type,
Jacobsen 32-coefficients, NIST recommended)
CPQ6` Lee-Kesler (generalized Benedict-Webb-Rubin)
CPQ6` Peng-Robinson
CPQ6` Soave-Redlich-Kwong
CPQ6` Redlich-Kwong
CPQ6` Van der Waals
CPQ6` Ideal gas
* Not all EOS available for all gases
An intuitive user interface displays the current status
of the valves, current pressures of the manifold and
sample cell(s), and status of all available accessories.
See figure 1.
Pull-down menus give access to all instrument and
measurement parameters, and post-processing func-
tions. During analysis the operation of the instrument
is completely automated, however, a manual mode
allows all valves and accessories to be controlled by a
simple click of the mouse.
Safety interlocks and warnings throughout the
program are designed to prevent the user from
performing operations that could damage the
instrument or cause personal injury. Precise control
of the temperature of both the manifold and the
sample are essential for accurate measurements close
to the critical point of the adsorptive. This is illustrated
by the adsorption isotherm of carbon dioxide on
activated carbon at 45°C as shown in the figure 2:
A unique feature of the software is its ability to
estimate the absolute adsorbed amount of adsorbate.
All gas adsorption instruments measure the surface
excess rather than the adsorbed amount. For low
pressures (below one atmosphere) this is essentially
the same as the adsorbed amount, however, at high
pressures where the density of the bulk gas approaches
the density of the adsorbed phase, the difference is
significant. figure 3 shows both the surface excess
(diamonds) and adsorbed amount (stars) of methane
on activated carbon. At low pressures the curves over -
lap, but at high pressures the difference is evident.
figure 3
figure 2
figure 1
iSorb HP1/HP2
High Pressure Gas Sorption Analyzer
2 Control System
For operation at liquid nitrogen temperature (77.3K) a
liquid nitrogen control system is available. This
accessory consists of a sample dewar, a 60L self-
pressurized supply dewar, LN
2 level sensor, and
insulated supply lines. The software automatically
maintains the LN
2 level in the sample dewar by adding
small amounts of LN
2 from the supply dewar as needed.
Multi-Gas Ports
When frequently switching gasses used for analysis, it
can become tedious to continuously connect and
disconnect the c@7?erent gas tanks from the instrument.
The Multi-Gas Ports option provides a means of simply
selecting the gas through the software. This is especially
convenient when routine analysis involves collecting
isotherms of multiple gasses, e.g. H
2 and CO 2.
When working at pressures up to 200 bar the pressure
in the gas tank will quickly drop below the maximum
working pressure. In order to extend the life of the gas
tanks and provide sufficient pressure of analyses up
to 200 bar, a Booster option is available. It is strongly
recommended for 200 bar systems and can also be
quite useful for 100 bar systems.
The CryoCooler is a self-contained refrigeration system,
which can maintain the sample cell temperature to
within 0.1K at temperatures from 75K up to 320K.
This wide range of temperatures allows for surface
area analysis at cryogenic temperatures as well as
super critical analyses at higher temperatures. It is
ideally suited for obtaining several isotherms at closely
spaced temperatures when studying the heats of
adsorption of a sample. The CryoCooler is completely
cryogen-free, thus reducing cost of operation where
liquefied gasses are not readily available.
Solid-Gas Process Kinetics
When studying processes, such as hydride formation/
decomposition, large amounts of gas can be required/
released. In order to study the kinetics of these
processes the Solid-Gas Process Kinetics (SGPK) option
provides a large reservoir attached to the manifold,
which provides a volume in which to expand.
Precise control of the sample temperature is essential
for accurate data, especially when working close to
the critical point of the adsorptive gas. The Recirculator
is the most common method of regulating the sample
temperature. It is completely software controlled, ensur-
ing unattended operation at temperatures from –20°C
up to 100°C and maintains it to within 0.01°C.
A variety of gas regulators, sample cells, UPS, and other
accessories are available. Ask your local Quantachrome
representative about what is available.
Several accessories are available for the iSorb HP1 and iSorb HP2 analyzers to increase flexibility and allow the
instrument to be tailored to the needs and applications of the individual laboratory.
LN 2 Option
iSorb HP1/HP2
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For almost half a century Quantachrome"tas
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mardi 12 janvier 2021