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automated mercury porosimeters
Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry is a pore size measurement technique based on the physical principle that a
non-reactive, non-wetting liquid will only penetrate fine pores when a sufficient pressure is applied to allow it
to intrude. There is a well-known relationship that describes the pressure required to force liquid mercury into
pores of specific diameter called the Washburn Equation:
Measuring the volume of mercury that is intruded into a sample as a function of increasing pressure permits
the generation of pore size and pore volume distributions for pores accessible from a material's exterior.
Using instruments capable of measurements at pressures between 0.2 and 60,000 psi, like the POREMASTER) 2h
Series, pores between 3.6 nanometers and 1100 microns may be measured.
A sample is placed into a measuring assembly comprising of an empty glass sample cell, an electrode, and
housing for installation into the POREMASTER !e?
Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry
D = - 4 @e?s` ( cos!gW? )
P = Applied Pressure
D = Diameter of the Pore
= Contact Angle Between Liquid
Mercury and the Pore Wall
? = Surface Tension of Mercury
As pressure increases smaller
and smaller pores will accept
liquid mercury.
The resulting volume change
along the stem of the measuring
assembly can the be plotted as a
function of pressure.
automated mercury porosimeters
Figure 3. Pore Size Distribution
Figure 2. Cumulative Intruded
Volume vs. Pore Diameter
Control of porosity in terms of pore volume, size, and their distribution is important for hundreds of industries,
products, and processes. The POREMASTER
) 2h
Series of mercury intrusion porosimeters comes equipped with
user-friendly PoroWin software for instrument control, data acquisition, and data interpretation. Using the Washburn equation, this data set can
be converted into a cumulative curve of the
amount intruded as a function of pore size.
The derivative of this curve provides a pore
size distribution of the pores accessible via the
exterior of the material.
Flexible Data Interpretation
Extensive Calculation and Display Capabilities
Real Time Data Acquisition
Up to 4 Simultaneous Measurements
Easy Setup
Familiar Windows) 2h Based Software
Available in Both Graphical and Exportable
Tabular Formats
automated mercury porosimeters
Making Operator Experience Easy
Cabinet Design
uc75llows for bench-top operation
d??Will fit in or next to your fume-hood
• Spill tray for secondary containment
d??Transfer from low pressure/filling station
performed at bench-level cabinet
d?? Ventilation kit continuously directs mercury
vapor away from operator
SI? esigned to contain accidental spills occurring
during operation
Sophisticated Alerts and Operation Limits
d??Obvious LED indicators of safe/unsafe operating
d??Direct readout of pressure in the low pressure/filling
stations at all times
d??Internal electrical and mechanical switches for safe
d??Easily accessible manual emergency stop button
Cold Trap on Evacuation Line
d??Removes mercury vapor from evacuation pathway
• Provides superior vacuum performance
Automated Oil Air Purge Valve
Simple Liquid Mercury IntroductionAutomated Oil Fill Pump
automated mercury porosimeters
Prioritizing Operator Safety
Primary Spill and Vapor Containment within Cabinet
Penetrometer Design
Clear glass construction
• Easily assess quality of mercury fill
d??No worries regarding damage to deposited
metallic film
d??Two sizes accommodate the vast majority of samples
• Only need to decide between 0.5 cc or 2.0 cc designs
@T?u$or larger samples, larger sample cell sizes are
Easy Mercury and Oil Introduction Systems
d??System mercury charged by simple purging into
easily accessible reservoir designed for safety
uc75utomated air purge from high pressure chamber
performed via software
No Need for Blank Cell Corrections with
Standard Cells
d??Effects of mercury expansion are counteracted by
the nature of the hydraulic oil
d??Blank cell correction data subtraction is available
Low Pressure/ Filling Station
Cold Trap on Evacuation Line
Fume Hood Exhaust Port
Color Coded Status Light
Filling Station Pressure Display
automated mercury porosimeters
Control of porosity in terms of pore volume, size, and distribution is important for a myriad of industries,
products, and processes. Quantachrome mercury porosimeters have served quality control and research needs
for characterization of materials in a wide variety of industries. The widespread appeal of this technology is
due mostly to the speed and high resolution of the measurement for the very broad range of pore sizes that
may be explored.
Battery Components
The capacity of electrolyte and
transfer properties throughout
batteries is described by the
porosity of their components.
Bone and Dental Studies
Porosity is important for
promoting bone and tooth
growth and decay.
The transport of reactants to and
products from active catalyst sites
occurs through pores. See ASTM
Methods D4282-12 and
D 6761- 07"%?B 2 012@??P .
Ceramics and Refractories
Structural properties and curing
proA0pVles are optimized through
the control of pore size and pore
Filtration Media
Mechanical properties such as
capacity, strength reliability
are functions of pore volume
Medical Devices
Pore structure is important to
ensure desired isolation and/or
growth rates into biocompatible
Papers and Pigments
The pore structure of coated
papers has a major impact on
their surface appearance and
Tablet mechanical and dissolution
properties are controlled via their
pore size and pore volume.
Measure the size and volume of
porous polymers and to detect
structural changes arising from
high intrusion pressures.
Soils and Rocks
The porosity of soils and rocks
assist in understanding of
gaseous and liquiagow and
capacity. See ASTM D4404-10.
automated mercury porosimeters
Available Models & Options
6033GT 60GT
Pressure Range 0.2 - 33,000 psia 0.2 - 60,000 psia0.2 - 33,000 psia0.2 - 60,000 psia
Pore Size Range
(150'sB 6 contact angle) 1100 - 0.0064 3?SDE 1100 - 0.0036 @???1100 - 0.0064 3?SDE1100 - 0.0036 3?SDE
Volume Accuracy
5'•F1% fso
of sample cell stem volume 5'•F1% fso
of sample cell stem volume 5'•F1% fso
of sample cell stem volume 5'•F1% fso
of sample cell stem volume
Volume Resolution ±0.0001 cc ±0.0001 cc±0.0001 cc±0.0001 cc
Transducer Accuracy ± 0.11 % fso
or better ± 0.11 % fso
or better ± 0.11 % fso
or better ± 0.11 % fso
or better
Low Pressure Stations 2
(0.2-50 psia) 2
(0.2-50 psia) 2
(0.2-50 psia) 2
(0.2-50 psia)
High Pressure Stations 1
(20-33,000 psia) 1
(20-60,000 psia) 2
(20-33,000 psia) 2
(20-60,000 psia)
Control of porosity in terms of in terms of pore volume, size, and their distribution is important for hundreds
of industries, products, and processes that Quantachrome mercury porosimeters have served for decades.
automated mercury porosimeters
For almost half a century Quantachrome"tas
scientists and engineers have revolution-
ized measurement techniques and
designed instrumentation to enable the
accurate, precise, and reliable characteri-
zation of powdered and porous materials.
We have an unwavering commitment to
providing state of the art technology,
along with superior and unparalleled
customer service and support.
Our commitment to customers is to
support you before, during, and after
the sale throughout the lifetime of our
instruments. This is a big commitment
because our products are so robust and
reliable that we regularly find many still
in use for decades.
Corporate Headquarters-USA
Quantachrome Instruments
a brand of Anton-Paar
1900 Corporate Drive
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
Field Service
Our global service staff assure you that Quantachrome Instruments will continue
to be the reliable engines of material characterization laboratories. We offer you
the flexibility of choosing from service contracts tailored to provide you with the
response time, service package, and spare parts discounts that best fit your needs.
Spare Parts
Quantachrome spare parts are certified to work with our instruments. We provide
rapid response spare parts orders, and keep large inventories of replacement parts
and hardware available.
Application Lab
Our fully equipped, state-of-the-art powder characterization laboratory
(email:, provides the option of contracting for
expert testing services. Laboratory services are also available to validate the
applicability of our products prior to your purchase using your actual samples.
Lifetime Application Support
We view the field support of our instruments as an essential component of our
business strategy. Our expert scientists are always available to answer questions
on applications, or the use of our instruments. We do this as a standard service
regardless of whether you have a service contract with us or not.
Partners in Science
Quantachrome has a scientific research department consisting of world renowned
experts in material characterization. Our staff, led by team conducts collaborative
research projects with leading material research labs around the world. They
regularly publish articles in leading peer reviewed journals, and speak at technical
symposiums around the world.
Our policy of continuous development may cause the information and speci?cations contained herein to change without notice or liability.
The quality of Quantachrome"tas after sales service support is the reason we
are proud to maintain life time relationships with our customers.
Renowned innovator for today"tas porous materials community.
Trademarks and registered trade mark are the
property of their respective owners.Serving Porous
Materials and Powder
Characterization Needs
Since 1968
? 2018 Quantachrome Corporation I19IP001EN-A
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Date d'upload du document :
jeudi 7 janvier 2021